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Successful Little Swimmer!

Getting Started

Lessons are conducted in 10 minutes sessions 5 days a week. Each lesson is structured for your child specifically and the program is designed to move most children through to completion in 4 to 6 weeks. Additionally maintenance lessons will be ongoing and the schedule will be dependent upon your child's needs. 



Preparing for Lessons


It is import to read the materials which detail the proper towels, clothes and reusable swim diapers that your child will need. It is important to arrive early enough to the pool to allow yourself time to have your child ready to enter the water at the assigned time. Lessons are 10 minutes long and you will generally have other students scheduled right before and/or right after you.  Keeping everyone on schedule is key.

What to Expect


Every child is different, therefore no two children will have the exact same experience with their lessons. As your instructor I will carefully observe your child's abilities and progress and adjust each lesson to meet them where they are. Children all react differently to the experience, but it is common for children to cry, fuss, and even ask to get out of the pool. It is important that you trust the process and allow your child to grow through the experience.  

Our Partnership

We have the same goal for your child and registering your child with ISR and committing to lessons allows us to become partners in achieving the goal. I value the trust you put in me and rely on it to be able to guide your child through each lesson and ensure they develop the life-saving skills that the ISR program is designed to deliver.



Payment for the week is due at the first lesson of the week in the form of cash or check. It is likely that I will be already in the pool when you and your child arrive but you will be able to leave your payment pool side. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding payments.



If your ISR Registration email requires a BUDS form, you can access the PDF here.

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